I had to turn the page, I had to unfold the map, I had to hold the top button and the home button simultaneously for three seconds and soft-reset my head. I could try to tell you why I had to do all of these things but I wouldn’t know how. It’s a feeling, it’s not a thought, I wasn’t thinking bad thoughts, or even feeling bad feelings. But I knew I had to leave. Here’s what it is, maybe: I felt raw. I felt exposed. Those aren’t exactly it, but this is: Robert Penn Warren wrote that west is where you go when you get the letter saying flee, all is discovered. Well, I needed to go west. I needed to leave the place I was in my head.
I didn’t know how to do it. This happens a lot, I never know how to do it. Sometimes taking a nap works, but sometimes taking a nap makes it worse. I didn’t try taking a nap. Sometimes reading a book works. Reading the Kindle has yet to work. I was unsatisfied with the books presented to me. What usually works is a trip to the library, but West Circle Drive is a long way away. Sometimes taking a walk works, but I think yesterday’s walk is what put me here, is what revealed too much. My legs were tired anyway. Central Park has yet to work. I had to stay in my room and figure it out. Sometimes music works. This time music worked.
This is what I am actually doing when I am cancelling plans. I am going west. I feel lighter now.http://f.cl.ly/items/1p1T0G373n2623343g0z/01%20Sister%20Mary_Welcome%20Home.mp3
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